Parish Council
For any Parish Council queries, please email or leave a voicemail on 01594 540618 and our Clerk will be happy to assist.
Other Local Councils
To report Highways issues such as potholes, street lights, use the Gloucestershire County Council Report It system. or phone Gloucestershire County Council on 01452 425000.
For queries about council tax, rubbish collection and recycling, noise and nuisance complaints, contact Forest of Dean District Council on 01594 810000 or email
Your Member of Parliament
Matt Bishop (MP): contact details TBC
Your County Councillor
Cllr. Alan Preest: or 01594 564668
Your District Councillor
Cllr Mark Topping
01594 840 086
Other useful numbers
Flooding / Highways, including reporting potholes:
08000 514 514 or
or report it via the online form: Your Highways: Report It
Police: 101 (non-urgent) or 999 (for emergencies)

Local police team: 01452 753800 or see their webpage
NHS Direct/Out of Hours: 111
Western Power (power cuts): 105
Western Power (enquiries): 0800 40 40 90
Emergency Gas Contact: 0800 111 999
Emergency Water Contact: 0800 585940
Dial-A-Ride: 01594 845511
Aylburton School: 01594 842426
Neighbourhood Watch: Forest of Dean: Chrissie Parkes on 01452 753784
Community Wellbeing Agent (formerly known as Village Agent): Richard Skinner Tel: 01594 812447 / 812399 or
NHS Dentists: 0300 330 1348
Freedom Leisure Centre, Lydney: 01594 842383
Lydney Doctors:
Severnbanks Surgery 01594 845715
The Lydney Practice 01594 842167
Lydney: 0300 4218722
The Dilke: 0300 421 8640
Gloucestershire Royal: 0300 4222222
Lloyds Lydney: 01594 842847
Lydney Co-Op: 01594 843443
Coleford – Studio Cinema 01594 833331
Cinderford – The Palace Cinema 01594 822555
Lydney: 01594 842769
Chepstow: 01291 635730